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Arianne Gosselin

Arianne Gosselin is an Osteopathic Manual Therapist practicing classical osteopathy. She utilizes osteopathic principles established by the founder of the profession, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. 

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Arianne completed a four year Master of Practice in Osteopathic Manual Sciences (M.OMSc) at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy. She has over 4000 hours of hands-on training as well as an in-depth education in anatomy, physiology and pathology. Before completing her Masters, Arianne obtained a Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics (BSc.HK) from the University of Ottawa.


Arianne consults in both English and French. She is a member of OSTCAN (Osteopathy Canada), which is the largest professional association representing osteopathic manual practitioners in the country.  The association only admits individuals who have achieved the highest possible standards of education.  


Click on the contact page to book an appointment with Arianne today!

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Arianne Gosselin Osteopathy 

1580 Merivale Road, Suite 210


Copyright Arianne Gosselin Osteopathy

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